Stone Temple Pilots - Thank You (9783058) 2 LP Set
This compilation from 2003 includes the band's biggest hits, including 'Vasoline', 'Plush', 'Interstate Love Song' and 'Creep' amongst many other classics.
1. Vasoline
2. Down
3. Wicked Garden
4. Big Empty
5. Plush
6. Big Bang Baby
7. Creep
8. Lady Picture Show
9. Trippin' On a Hole in a Paper Heart
10. Interstate Love Song
11. All in the Suit That You Wear
12. Sex Type Thing
13. Days of the Week
14. Sour Girl
15. Plush
1. Vasoline
2. Down
3. Wicked Garden
4. Big Empty
5. Plush
6. Big Bang Baby
7. Creep
8. Lady Picture Show
9. Trippin' On a Hole in a Paper Heart
10. Interstate Love Song
11. All in the Suit That You Wear
12. Sex Type Thing
13. Days of the Week
14. Sour Girl
15. Plush