Dope Lemon - Rose Pink Cadillac (53880382) 2 LP Set Pink Vinyl
Containing singles ‘StingrayPete’, ‘Rose Pink Cadillac’, ‘Kids Fallin’ In Love’ and ‘Every Day Is A Holiday’ ft. Winston Surfshirt, the 10 track album is all about true love, manifesting the bright silver clouds that only exist in your deepest dreams, meeting that dream girl you thought was a figment of your imagination
Says Angus Stone of the album “From my heart to Dope Lemon, this album I have really enjoyed exploring and playing with different genres and storytelling. Handing it over now for you to listen to, feels so magical... and I hope you enjoy it, as much the joy that I put into its existence.”
1. Rose Pink Cadillac
2. Kids Fallin' In Love
3. Howl With Me
4. Stingray Pete
5. Sailor's Delight
6. Everyday Is A Holiday
7. Lovesick Brain
8. High Rollin
9. God's Machete
10. Shadows In The Moonlight